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Nicole's Wedding Guide

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Phoenix Show Services
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" Packing your dance floor is what we do best! "

* All-request events ensure that you and your wedding guests dance to only the music you want.
* Our DJs love fresh new music and the classics!
* Visit our custom on-line Sample Wedding Music Library [click].
* Music for every age from from modern electronica to swing.
* We match the DJ to your wedding based on the music you prefer.

* Get involved with the crowd.
* Are experienced in all genres of popular music.
* Have up to ten times the experience over the industry average and get dance floors packed!
* Real, professional DJs available from the hottest night spots and Dance Clubs in Calgary.
* Arrive dressed appropriately for your wedding.
—Phoenix Show Services
403.278.5638 or 1.888.357.3472

204, 1440 -- 52nd Street NE
Calgary, Alberta
T2A 4T8


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