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Ramada Hotel Downtown Calgary
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Planning your Wedding at the Ramada® Hotel Downtown
We are delighted to have the opportunity to provide you our complete Catering Package online and we extend our Congratulations on your engagement and forthcoming wedding. The Ramada Hotel would be pleased to host your family and friends on your special day.
The Reception Room
Our Grand Ballroom will attractively accommodate up to 200 people at round tables or approximately250 people with the inclusion of long tables. The 3200 sq. ft. banquet room is eloquently graced with a chandeliered 12ft ceiling, a bronze toned backdrop, complimenting wall coverings, maroon with gold print chairs and floor coverings, and a dance floor generously measuring 20’ x 24,’ which may be sized to meet your specifications. For a smaller, more intimate gathering, the Okanagan Room, also in the same tasteful scheme, will accommodate a maximum of 120 guests. Both rooms show beautifully and will enhance in commemorating your wedding day.
—Ramada Hotel Downtown Calgary

708- 8th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 1H2


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