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Andrea Garofalo
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Andrea Garofalo
Award Winning Voice

Place a Crown on your Wedding Day

Andrea holds close to his heart events such as Wedding Church Ceremonies and Receptions, Engagements, and Wedding Anniversary’s.

Coronet your ceremony and make it truly memorable with one of Canada’s Three Tenors. Experience what over 1600 couples have enjoyed for the past 14 years. Andrea’s unparalleled voice will mesmerize your guests singing in the calibre of Bocelli, Caruso and Pavarotti.

Delight your guests during dinner with Andrea’s breathtaking Las Vegas cabaret show, performing an array of renditions from Traditional, Contemporary, Pop, and Broadway. Take pleasure in the reaction of your guests as they stand in ovation to his romantic and powerful voice. Whether you have a band or DJ enhance your evening with a touch of class.
—Andrea Garofalo


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