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Nicole's Wedding Guide

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The Dressroom
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This location offers a wide selection of promotional ‘made to order’ gowns. The average price of our gowns is $750. We have a great selection, with at least 150 styles to choose from, starting as low as $500 and going up to $1300. ‘Off the rack’ sale gowns start at $99 and we have more than we know what to do with. Just tell us your budget and an experienced sales associate with work with you to ensure you get what you want at a price you can afford.
At The Dressroom, you’ll find all of the major bridesmaid lines, bridal shoes, accessories, jewelry, undergarments and gifts. You’ll be amazed! Appointments strongly recommended but walk-ins are welcome.
—The Dressroom

269 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4K 1N2


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