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Oakview Terrace
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With our picturesque gardens, outdoor chapel and elegant terraces, we provide the perfect setting for every aspect of your wedding. Imagine - one beautiful location for every part of your big day, from the ceremony itself to the photography session and the wedding reception.

At Oakview Terrace, wedding ceremonies may be held in our outdoor chapel, which can accommodate up to 180 guests.

Surrounded by our beautiful gardens and private lake, there are numerous settings for your reception & bridal photographs.

Dining facilities
Our dining room, with cathedral ceiling and fireplace, can comfortably seat up to 180 people. We provide a podium and microphone as well as table skirting, white table cloths and coloured linen selections for the dining room tables.
—Oakview Terrace

13256 Leslie Street
RIchmond Hill, ON
L4E 1A2


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